Our Mission Statement 

The Vallejo Generals mission is to educate and empower today’s youth with confidence, commitment, and integrity. To respect themselves, their peers, and community by instilling a code of ethics built on honesty, trust, and teamwork. To teach, develop, organize, manage, and offer youth players the opportunity to learn the fundamental skills of basketball while instilling life-lessons and values such as hard work, dedication, character, and sportsmanship. Together our players, families, and volunteers work to create a safe and fun environment so every child can have the opportunity to develop their talents, work on character development, and work towards their goals.


Meet the Directors

Joseph Pastrana & Alfonzo Hatten are the Co-founders and Directors of the Vallejo Generals Organization. They have been teammates for 15+ years and have formed a friendship & brotherhood for a lifetime. They both value hard-work, dedication, team, family, and self- discipline, which they hope to teach and instill into the Vallejo Generals programs & young athletes.

Thank You To All Our Coaches and Volunteers!

Our team is confident in collaborating and assisting, while also providing skills and education to our young athletes. We take pride in our ability to work together to ensure that all needs and goals are met. 

Coach JT

Coach Dominic